Publikationen von Chase L Nuñez

Zeitschriftenartikel (18)

Loftus, J. C.; Harel, R.; Ashbury, A. M.; Núñez, C. L.; Omondi, G. P.; Muttinda, M.; Matsumoto-Oda, A.; Isbell, L. A.; Crofoot, M. C.: Sharing sleeping sites disrupts sleep but catalyses social tolerance and coordination between groups. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 291 (2034), S. 20241330 (2024)
Núñez, C. L.; Clark, J. S.; Poulsen, J. R.: Disturbance sensitivity shapes patterns of tree species distribution in Afrotropical lowland rainforests more than climate or soil. Ecology and Evolution 14 (5), e11329 (2024)
Harel, R.; Alavi, S.; Ashbury, A. M.; Aurisano, J.; Berger-Wolf, T.; Davis, G. H.; Hirsch, B. T.; Kalbitzer, U.; Kays, R.; McLean, K. et al.; Nuñez, C. L.; Vining, A. Q.; Walton, Z.; Havmoller, R. W.; Crofoot, M. C.: Life in 2.5D: Animal Movement in the Trees. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 801850 (2022)
Loftus, J. C.; Harel, R.; Nuñez, C. L.; Crofoot, M. C.: Ecological and social pressures interfere with homeostatic sleep regulation in the wild. eLife 11, e73695 (2022)
Nuñez, C. L.; Poulsen, J. R.; White, L. J. T.; Medjibe, V.; Clark, J. S.: Distinct community-wide responses to forecasted climate change in Afrotropical forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 742626 (2022)
Carley, L. N.; Mojica, J. P.; Wang, B.; Chen, C.-Y.; Lin, Y.-P.; Prasad, K. V. S. K.; Chan, E.; Hsu, C.-W.; Keith, R.; Nuñez, C. L. et al.; Olson-Manning, C. F.; Rushworth, C. A.; Wagner, M. R.; Wang, J.; Yeh, P.-M.; Reichelt, M.; Ghattas, K.; Gershenzon, J.; Lee, C.-R.; Mitchell-Olds, T.: Ecological factors influence balancing selection on leaf chemical profiles of a wildflower. Nature Ecology & Evolution 5, S. 1135 - 1144 (2021)
Clark, J. S.; Andrus, R.; Aubry-Kientz, M.; Bergeron, Y.; Bogdziewicz, M.; Bragg, D. C.; Brockway, D.; Cleavitt, N. L.; Cohen, S.; Courbaud, B. et al.; Daley, R.; Das, A. J.; Dietze, M.; Fahey, T. J.; Fer, I.; Franklin, J. F.; Gehring, C. A.; Gilbert, G. S.; Greenberg, C. H.; Guo, Q.; HilleRisLambers, J.; Ibanez, I.; Johnstone, J.; Kilner, C. L.; Knops, J.; Koenig, W. D.; Kunstler, G.; LaMontagne, J. M.; Legg, K. L.; Luongo, J.; Lutz, J. A.; Macias, D.; McIntire, E. J. B.; Messaoud, Y.; Moore, C. M.; Moran, E.; Myers, J. A.; Myers, O. B.; Nunez, C.; Parmenter, R.; Pearse, S.; Pearson, S.; Poulton-Kamakura, R.; Ready, E.; Redmond, M. D.; Reid, C. D.; Rodman, K. C.; Scher, C. L.; Schlesinger, W. H.; Schwantes, A. M.; Shanahan, E.; Sharma, S.; Steele, M. A.; Stephenson, N. L.; Sutton, S.; Swenson, J. J.; Swift, M.; Veblen, T. T.; Whipple, A. V.; Whitham, T. G.; Wion, A. P.; Zlotin, K. Z. &. R.: Continent-wide tree fecundity driven by indirect climate effects. Nature Communications 12, 1242 (2021)
Poulsen, J. R.; Beirne, C.; Rundel, C.; Baldino, M.; Kim, S.; Knorr, J.; Minich, T.; Jin, L.; Nuñez, C. L.; Xiao, S. et al.; Mbamy, W.; Obiang, G. N.; Masseloux, J.; Nkoghe, T.; Ebanega, M. O.; Clark, C. J.; Fay, M. J.; Morkel, P.; Okouyi, J.; White, L. J. T.; Wright, J. P.: Long distance seed dispersal by forest elephants. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 789264 (2021)
Qiu, T.; Aravena, M. C.; Andrus, R.; Ascoli, D.; Bergeron, Y.; Berretti, R.; Bogdziewicz, M.; Boivin, T.; Bonal, R.; Caignard, T. et al.; Calama, R.; Camarero, J. J.; Clark, C. J.; Courbaud, B.; Delzon, S.; Calderon, S. D.; Farfan-Rios, W.; Gehring, C. A.; Gilbert, G. S.; Greenberg, C. H.; Guo, Q. F.; Lambers, J. H. R.; Hoshizaki, K.; Ibanez, I.; Journe, V.; Kilner, C. L.; Kobe, R. K.; Koenig, W. D.; Kunstler, G.; LaMontagne, J. M.; Ledwon, M.; Lutz, J. A.; Motta, R.; Myers, J. A.; Nagel, T. A.; Nuñez, C. L.; Pearse, I. S.; Piechnik, L.; Poulsen, J. R.; Poulton-Kamakura, R.; Redmond, M. D.; Reid, C. D.; Rodman, K. C.; Scher, C. L.; Van Marle, H. S.; Seget, B.; Sharma, S.; Silman, M.; Swenson, J. J.; Swift, M.; Uriarte, M.; Vacchiano, G.; Veblen, T. T.; Whipple, A. V.; Whitham, T. G.; Wion, A. P.; Wright, S. J.; Zhu, K.; Zimmerman, J. K.; Zywiec, M.; Clark, J. S.: Is there tree senescence? The fecundity evidence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 118 (34), e2106130118 (2021)
Whitworth, A.; Beirne, C.; Flatt, E.; Froese, G.; Nuñez, C. L.; Forsyth, A.: Recovery of dung beetle biodiversity and traits in a regenerating rainforest: a case study from Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula. Insect Conservation and Diversity 14 (4), S. 439 - 454 (2021)
Beirne, C.; Miao, Z.; Nuñez, C. L.; Medjibe, V. P.; Saatchi, S.; White, L. J. T.; Poulsen, J. R.: Landscape‐level validation of allometric relationships for carbon stock estimation reveals bias driven by soil type. Ecological Applications 29 (8), e01987 (2019)
Beirne, C.; Nuñez, C.; Baldino, M.; Kim, S.; Knorr, J.; Minich, T.; Jin, L.; Xiao, S.; Mbamy, W.; Obiang, G. et al.; Masseloux, J.; Nkoghe, T.; Ebanega, M.; Rundel, C.; Wright, J.; Poulsen, J.: Estimation of gut passage time of wild, free roaming forest elephants. Wildlife Biology 2019 (1), S. 1 - 7 (2019)
Clark, J. S.; Nuñez, C. L.; Tomasek, B.: Foodwebs based on unreliable foundations: spatio‐temporal masting merged with consumer movement, storage, and diet. Ecological Monographs 89 (4), e01381 (2019)
Nuñez, C. L.; Clark, J. S.; Clark, C. J.; Poulsen, J. R.: Low-intensity logging and hunting have long-term effects on seed dispersal but not fecundity in Afrotropical forests. AoB PLANTS 11 (1), ply074 (2019)
Nuñez, C. L.; Froese, G.; Meier, A. C.; Beirne, C.; Depenthal, J.; Kim, S.; Mbéle, A. E.; Nordseth, A.; Poulsen, J. R.: Stronger together: comparing and integrating camera trap, visual, and dung survey data in tropical forest communities. Ecosphere 10 (12), e02965 (2019)
Poulsen, J. R.; Rosin, C.; Meier, A.; Mills, E.; Nuñez, C. L.; Koerner, S. E.; Blanchard, E.; Callejas, J.; Moore, S.; Sowers, M.: Ecological consequences of forest elephant declines for Afrotropical forests. Conservation Biology 32 (3), S. 559 - 567 (2018)
Nuñez, C. L.; Grote, M. N.; Wechsler, M.; Allen‐Blevins, C. R.; Hinde, K.: Offspring of primiparous mothers do not experience greater mortality or poorer growth: Revisiting the conventional wisdom with archival records of Rhesus Macaques. American Journal of Primatology 77 (9), S. 963 - 973 (2015)
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