Publikationen von Ivan Pokrovsky

Zeitschriftenartikel (30)

Weissensteiner, M. H.; Delmore, K.; Peona, V.; Ramos, J. S. L.; Arnaud, G.; Blas, J.; Faivre, B.; Pokrovsky, I.; Wikelski, M.; Partecke, J. et al.: Combining individual-based radio-tracking with whole-genome sequencing data reveals candidate for genetic basis of partial migration in a songbird. Ecology and Evolution 15 (1), e70800 (2025)
Pokrovsky, I.; Curk, T.; Dietz, A.; Fufachev, I.; Kulikova, O.; Rößler, S.; Wikelski, M.: Foxtrot migration and dynamic over-wintering range of an Arctic raptor. eLife 12, RP87668 (2024)
Serratosa, J.; Oppel, S.; Rotics, S.; Santangeli, A.; Butchart, S. H. M.; Cano-Alonso, L. S.; Tellería, J. L.; Kemp, R.; Nicholas, A.; Kalvans, A. et al.: Tracking data highlight the importance of human-induced mortality for large migratory birds at a flyway scale. Biological Conservation 293, 110525 (2024)
Wikelski, M.; Quetting, M.; Bates, J.; Berger-Wolf, T.; Bohrer, G.; Boerger, L.; Chapple, T.; Crofoot, M. C.; Davidson, S. C.; Dechmann, D. K. N. et al.: Introducing a unique animal ID and digital life history museum for wildlife metadata. Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2024)
Yanco, S. W.; Oliver, R. Y.; Iannarilli, F.; Carlson, B. S.; Heine, G.; Mueller, U.; Richter, N.; Vorneweg, B.; Andryushchenko, Y.; Batbayar, N. et al.: Migratory birds modulate niche tradeoffs in rhythm with seasons and life history. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (41), S. e2316827121 (2024)
Pokrovsky, I.; Curk, T.; Dietz, A.; Fufachev, I.; Kulikova, O.; Rößler, S.; Wikelski, M.: Quick-quick-slow: the foxtrot migration and dynamic non-breeding range. eLife 12, RP87668 (2023)
Twining, C. W.; Shipley, J. R.; McCue, M. D.; Pokrovsky, I.; Gregoire, A.; Faivre, B.; Wikelski, M.; Partecke, J.: Energetics and fuel use vary with migration strategy across populations of Common Blackbirds. Functional Ecology 37 (7), S. 1910 - 1921 (2023)
Curk, T.; Kulikova, O.; Fufachev, I.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.; Pokrovsky, I.: Arctic migratory raptor selects nesting area during the previous breeding season. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 865482 (2022)
Gauld, J. G.; Silva, J. P.; Atkinson, P. W.; Record, P.; Acacio, M.; Arkumarev, V.; Blas, J.; Bouten, W.; Burton, N.; Catry, I. et al.: Hotspots in the grid: Avian sensitivity and vulnerability to collision risk from energy infrastructure interactions in Europe and North Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (6), S. 1496 - 1512 (2022)
McClure, C. J. W.; Szymczycha, Z.; Anderson, D. L.; Aguiar-Silva, F. H.; Schulwitz, S.; Dunn, L.; Henderson, M. T.; Camacho, L.; Gonzalez, J. D. V.; Parish, C. N. et al.: Toward scoping reviews of individual bird species. Ibis 164 (3), S. 835 - 845 (2022)
Glazov, P. M.; Loshchagina, J. A.; Kondratyev, A. V.; Zaynagutdinova, E. M.; Kruckenberg, H.; Pokrovsky, I. G.: The long-term monitoring of bird populations on Kolguev Island in the Barents Sea. Arctic 74 (5), S. 23 - 39 (2021)
Gu, Z. R.; Pan, S. K.; Lin, Z. Z.; Hu, L.; Dai, X. Y.; Chang, J.; Xue, Y. C.; Su, H.; Long, J.; Sun, M. R. et al.: Climate-driven flyway changes and memory-based long-distance migration. Nature 591, S. 259 - 264 (2021)
Linek, N.; Brzęk, P.; Gienapp, P.; O'Mara, M. T.; Pokrovsky, I. G.; Schmidt, A.; Shipley, J. R.; Taylor, J. R. E.; Tiainen, J.; Volkmer, T. et al.: A partial migrant relies upon a range‑wide cue set but uses population‑specific weighting for migratory timing. BMC Movement Ecology 9, 63 (2021)
Nourani, E.; Bohrer, G.; Becciu, P.; Bierregaard, R. O.; Duriez, O.; Figuerola, J.; Gangoso, L.; Giokas, S.; Higuchi, H.; Kassara, C. et al.: The interplay of wind and uplift facilitates over-water flight in facultative soaring birds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288 (1958), 20211603 (2021)
Pokrovsky, I.; Kölzsch, A.; Sherub, S.; Fiedler, W.; Glazov, P.; Kulikova, O.; Wikelski, M.; Flack, A.: Longer days enable higher diurnal activity for migratory birds. Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (9), S. 2161 - 2171 (2021)
Curk, T.; Pokrovsky, I. G.; Lecomte, N.; Aarvak, T.; Burnham, K.; Dietz, A.; Franke, A.; Gauthier, G.; Jacobsen, K.-O.; Kidd, J. et al.: Arctic avian predators synchronise their spring migration with the northern progression of snowmelt. Scientific Reports 10, 7220 (2020)
Davidson, S. C.; Bohrer, G.; Gurarie, E.; LaPoint, S. D.; Mahoney, P. J.; Boelman, N. T.; Eitel, J. U. H.; Prugh, L. R.; Vierling, L. A.; Jennewein, J. et al.: Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic. Science 370, S. 712 - 715 (2020)
Ehrich, D.; Schmidt, N. M.; Gauthier, G.; Alisauskas, R.; Angerbjörn, A.; Clark, K.; Ecke, F.; Eide, N. E.; Framstad, E.; Frandsen, J. et al.: Documenting lemming population change in the Arctic: Can we detect trends? Ambio 49 (3), S. 786 - 800 (2020)
Franke, A.; Falk, K.; Hawkshaw, K.; Ambrose, S.; Anderson, D. L.; Bente, P. J.; Booms, T.; Burnham, K. K.; Ekenstedt, J.; Fufachev, I. et al.: Status and trends of circumpolar peregrine falcon and gyrfalcon populations. Ambio 49, S. 762 - 783 (2020)
Pokrovsky, I. G.; Ehrich, D.; Fufachev, I.; Ims, R. A.; Kulikova, O.; Sokolov, A.; Sokolova, N.; Sokolov, V.; Yoccoz, N. G.: Nest association between two predators as a behavioral response to the low density of rodents. Auk 137 (1), ukz060 (2020)
Brose, U.; Archambault, P.; Barnes, A. D.; Bersier, L.-F.; Boy, T.; Canning-Clode, J.; Conti, E.; Dias, M.; Digel, C.; Dissanayake, A. et al.: Predator traits determine food-web architecture across ecosystems. Nature Ecology & Evolution 3 (6), S. 919 - 927 (2019)
Berteaux, D.; Thierry, A.-M.; Alisauskas, R.; Angerbjörn, A.; Buchel, E.; Doronina, L.; Ehrich, D.; Eide, N. E.; Erlandsson, R.; Flagstad, Ø. et al.: Harmonizing circumpolar monitoring of Arctic fox: Benefits, opportunities, challenges and recommendations. Polar Research 36 (Suppl. 1), 2 (2017)
Flack, A.; Fiedler, W.; Blas, J.; Pokrovsky, I. G.; Kaatz, M.; Mitropolsky, M.; Aghababyan, K.; Fakriadis, I.; Makrigianni, E.; Jerzak, L. et al.: Costs of migratory decisions: A comparison across eight white stork populations. Science Advances 2 (1), e1500931 (2016)
Ehrich, D.; Ims, R. A.; Yoccoz, N. G.; Lecomte, N.; Killengreen, S. T.; Fuglei, E.; Rodnikova, A. Y.; Ebbinge, B. S.; Menyushina, I. E.; Nolet, B. A. et al.: What can stable isotope analysis of top predator tissues contribute to monitoring of tundra ecosystems? Ecosystems 18 (3), S. 404 - 416 (2015)
Pokrovsky, I. G.; Ehrich, D.; Ims, R. A.; Kondratyev, A. V.; Kruckenberg, H.; Kulikova, O.; Mihnevich, J.; Pokrovskaya, L.; Shienok, A.: Rough-legged buzzards, arctic foxes and red foxes in a tundra ecosystem without rodents. PLoS One 10 (2), e0118740 (2015)
Pokrovsky, I. G.; Ehrich, D.; Ims, R. A.; Kulikova, O.; Lecomte, N.; Yoccoz, N. G.: Diet, nesting density, and breeding success of rough-legged buzzards (Buteo lagopus) on the Nenetsky Ridge, Arctic Russia. Polar Biology 37 (4), S. 447 - 457 (2014)
Ehrich, D.; Henden, J.-A.; Ims, R. A.; Doronina, L. O.; Killengren, S. T.; Lecomte, N.; Pokrovsky, I. G.; Skogstad, G.; Sokolov, A. A.; Sokolov, V. A. et al.: The importance of willow thickets for ptarmigan and hares in shrub tundra: The more the better? Oecologia 168, S. 141 - 151 (2012)
Pokrovsky, I. G.: A method of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis in assessment of the diet of birds of prey. Biology bulletin 39, S. 590 - 592 (2012)
Pokrovsky, I. G.; Ehrich, D.; Ims, R. A.; Kulikova, O.; Lecomte, N.; Yoccoz, N. G.: Assessing the causes of breeding failure among the rough-legged buzzard (Buteo lagopus) during the nestling period. Polar Research 31, S. 17294 (2012)
Pokrovsky, I. G.; Lecomte, N.; Sokolov, A.; Sokolov, V.; Yoccoz, N. G.: Peregrine Falcons kill a Gyrfalcon feeding on their nestling. Journal of Raptor Research 44, S. 66 - 69 (2010)

Buchkapitel (1)

Gauthier, G.; Doyle, F. I.; Gilg, O.; Menyushina, I. E.; Morrison, R. G.; Ovsyanikov, N.; Pokrovsky, I. G.; Reid, D. G.; Sokolov, A.; Therrien, J.-F.: Birds of prey. In: ArcticWOLVES: Arctic Wildlife Observatories Linking Vulnerable EcoSystems. Final synthesis report, S. 62 - 74. Centre d’études nordiques, Université Laval, Quebec, Laval, Quebec (2011)

Konferenzbeitrag (1)

Pokrovsky, I. G.; Lecomte, N.: Comparison of Gyrfalcon distributions between the Palearctic and Nearctic. In: Gyrfalcons and Ptarmigan in a Changing World. Gyrfalcons and Ptarmigan in a Changing World, Boise, Idaho, USA, 01. Februar 2011 - 03. Februar 2011. The Peregrine Fund (2012)