Publikationen des MPI für Verhaltensbiologie

Zeitschriftenartikel (198)

Abdu, S.; Chimento, M.; Alarcon-Nieto, G.; Zuniga, D.; Aplin, L. M.; Farine, D. R.; Brandl, H. B.: The performance of field sampling for parasite detection in a wild passerine. Ecology and Evolution 12 (8), e9242 (2022)
Aikens, E. O.; Bontekoe, I. D.; Blumenstiel, L.; Schlicksupp, A.; Flack, A.: Viewing animal migration through a social lens. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37 (11), S. 985 - 996 (2022)
Alavi, S. E.; Vining, A. Q.; Caillaud, D.; Hirsch, B. T.; Havmoller, R. W.; Havmoller, L. W.; Kays, R.; Crofoot, M. C.: A Quantitative framework for identifying patterns of route-use in animal movement data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9, 743014 (2022)
Albarracin, M.; Demekas, D.; Ramstead, M. J. D.; Heins, R. C.: Epistemic communities under active inference. Entropy 24 (4), 476 (2022)
Albertson, L. K.; Briggs, M. A.; Maguire, Z.; Swart, S.; Cross, W. F.; Twining, C. W.; Wesner, J. S.; Baxter, C. V.; Walters, D. M.: Dietary composition and fatty acid content of giant salmonflies (Pteronarcys californica) in two Rocky Mountain. Ecosphere 13 (1), e3904 (2022)
Allan, A. T.; LaBarge, L. R.; Howlett, C.; Bailey, A. L.; Jones, B.; Mason, Z.; Pinfield, T.; Schröder, F.; Whitaker, A.; White, A. F.: Patterns of predation and meat-eating by chacma baboons in an Afromontane environment. Folia primatologica 94 (1), S. 13 - 36 (2022)
Antunes, A. C.; Montanarin, A.; Grabin, D. M.; Monteiro, E. C. D.; de Pinho, F. F.; Alvarenga, G. C.; Ahumada, J.; Wallace, R. B.; Ramalho, E. E.; Barnett, A. P. A. et al.; Bager, A.; Lopes, A. M. C.; Keuroghlian, A.; Giroux, A.; Herrera, A. M.; Correa, A. P. D.; Meiga, A. Y.; Jacomo, A. T. D.; Barban, A. D.; Antunes, A.; Coelho, A. G. D.; Camilo, A. R.; Nunes, A. V.; Gomes, A.; Zanzini, A.; Castro, A. B.; Desbiez, A. L. J.; Figueiredo, A.; de Thoisy, B.; Gauzens, B.; Oliveira, B. T.; de Lima, C. A.; Peres, C. A.; Durigan, C. C.; Brocardo, C. R.; da Rosa, C. A.; Zarate-Castaneda, C.; Monteza-Moreno, C. M.; Carnicer, C.; Trinca, C. T.; Polli, D. J.; Ferraz, D. D.; Lane, D. F.; da Rocha, D. G.; Barcelos, D. C.; Auz, D.; Rosa, D. C. P.; Silva, D. A.; Silverio, D. V.; Eaton, D. P.; Nakano-Oliveira, E.; Venticinque, E.; Junior, E. C.; Mendonca, E. N.; Vieira, E. M.; Isasi-Catala, E.; Fischer, E.; Castro, E. P.; Oliveira, E. G.; de Melo, F. R.; Muniz, F. D.; Rohe, F.; Baccaro, F. B.; Michalski, F.; Paim, F. P.; Santos, F.; Anaguano, F.; Palmeira, F. B. L.; Reis, F. D.; Aguiar-Silva, F. H.; Batista, G. D.; Zapata-Rios, G.; Forero-Medina, G.; Neto, G. D. F.; Alves, G. B.; Ayala, G.; Pedersoli, G. H. P.; El Bizri, H. R.; do Prado, H. A.; Mozerle, H. B.; Costa, H. C. M.; Lima, I. J.; Palacios, J.; Assis, J. D.; Boubli, J. P.; Metzger, J. P.; Teixeira, J. V.; Miranda, J. M. D.; Polisar, J.; Salvador, J.; Borges-Almeida, K.; Didier, K.; Pereira, K. D. D.; Torralvo, K.; Gajapersad, K.; Silveira, L.; Maioli, L. U.; Maracahipes-Santos, L.; Valenzuela, L.; Benavalli, L.; Fletcher, L.; Paolucci, L. N.; Zanzini, L. P.; da Silva, L. Z.; Rodrigues, L. C. R.; Benchimol, M.; Oliveira, M. A.; Lima, M.; da Silva, M. B.; Junior, M. A. D.; Viscarra, M.; Cohn-Haft, M.; Abrahams, M. I.; Benedetti, M. A.; Marmontel, M.; Hirt, M. R.; Torres, N. M.; Junior, O. F. C.; Alvarez-Loayza, P.; Jansen, P.; Prist, P. R.; Brando, P. M.; Peronico, P. B.; Leite, R. D.; Rabelo, R. M.; Sollmann, R.; Beltrao-Mendes, R.; Ferreira, R. A. F.; Coutinho, R.; Oliveira, R. D.; Ilha, R.; Hilario, R. R.; Pires, R. A. P.; Sampaio, R.; Moreira, R. D.; Botero-Arias, R.; Martinez, R. V.; Nobrega, R. A. D.; Fadini, R. F.; Morato, R. G.; Carneiro, R. L.; Almeida, R. P. S.; Ramos, R. M.; Schaub, R.; Dornas, R.; Cueva, R.; Rolim, S.; Laurindo, S.; Espinosa, S.; Fernandes, T. N.; Sanaiotti, T. M.; Alvim, T. H. G.; Dornas, T. T.; Pina, T. E. N.; Andrade, V. L. C.; Santiago, W. T. V.; Magnusson, W. E.; Campos, Z.; Ribeiro, M. C.: AMAZONIA CAMTRAP: A data set of mammal, bird, and reptile species recorded with camera traps in the Amazon forest. Ecology 103 (9), e3738 (2022)
Aplin, L. M.: Culture in birds. Current Biology 32 (20), S. R1136 - R1140 (2022)
Ardila-Villamizar, M.; Alarcon-Nieto, G.; Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.: Fear in urban landscapes: conspecific flock size drives escape decisions in tropical birds. Royal Society Open Science 9 (11), 221344 (2022)
Ashbury, A. M.; Meric de Bellefon, J.; Kunz, J. A.; Abdullah, M.; Marzec, A. M.; Fryns, C.; Utami Atmoko, S. S.; van Schaik, C. P.; van Noordwijk, M. A.: After the smoke has cleared: Extended low fruit productivity following forest fires decreased gregariousness and social tolerance among wild female Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus wurmbii). International Journal of Primatology 43 (2), S. 189 - 215 (2022)
Ashby, B.; Farine, D. R.: Social information use shapes the coevolution of sociality and virulence. Evolution 76 (6), S. 1153 - 1169 (2022)
Averly, B.; Sridhar, V. H.; Demartsev, V.; Gall, G. E. C.; Manser, M.; Strandburg-Peshkin, A.: Disentangling influence over group speed and direction reveals multiple patterns of influence in moving meerkat groups. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 13844 (2022)
Bak-Coleman, J. B.; Tokita, C. K.; Morris, D. H.; Rubenstein, D. I.; Couzin, I. D.: Collective wisdom in polarized groups. Collective Intelligence 1 (1) (2022)
Barlow, I. L.; Feriani, L.; Minga, E.; McDermott-Rouse, A.; O'Brien, T. J.; Liu, Z. W.; Hofbauer, M.; Stowers, J. R.; Andersen, E. C.; Ding, S. S. et al.; Brown, A. E. X.: Megapixel camera arrays enable high-resolution animal tracking in multiwell plates. Communications Biology 5 (1), 253 (2022)
Behringer, V.; Berghanel, A.; Deschner, T.; Lee, S. M.; Fruth, B.; Hohmann, G.: Transition to siblinghood causes a substantial and long-lasting increase in urinary cortisol levels in wild bonobos. eLife 11, e77227 (2022)
Beleyur, T.: beamshapes: A Python package to generate directivity patterns for various sound source models. The Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) 7 (69), 3740 (2022)
Berger-Geiger, B.; Heine, G.; Kumaraswamy, A.; Galizia, C. G.: Changing places: spatial ecology and social interactions of female and male Montagu's Harrier (Circus pygargus) in the Spanish Extremadura. Journal of Ornithology 163, S. 165 - 179 (2022)
Bergler, C.; Smeele, S. Q.; Tyndel, S. A.; Barnhill, A.; Ortiz, S. T.; Kalan, A. K.; Cheng, R. X.; Brinklov, S.; Osiecka, A. N.; Tougaard, J. et al.; Jakobsen, F.; Wahlberg, M.; Nöth, E.; Maier, A.; Klump, B. C.: ANIMAL-SPOT enables animal-independent signal detection and classification using deep learning. Scientific Reports 12 (1), 21966 (2022)
Bidari, S.; El Hady, A.; Davidson, J. D.; Kilpatrick, Z. P.: Stochastic dynamics of social patch foraging decisions. Physical Review Research 4 (3), 033128 (2022)
Bose, A. P. H.: Parent-offspring cannibalism throughout the animal kingdom: a review of adaptive hypotheses. Biological Reviews 97, S. 1868 - 1885 (2022)
Bose, A. P. H.; Dabernig-Heinz, J.; Koch, L.; Grimm, J.; Lang, S.; Banda, T.; Makasa, L.; Jordan, A.; Sefc, K. M.; Hegedus, B.: Parentage analysis across age cohorts reveals sex differences in reproductive skew in a group-living cichlid fish, Neolamprologus multifasciatus. Molecular Ecology 31 (8), S. 2418 - 2434 (2022)
Bose, A. P. H.; Koch, L.; Dabernig-Heinz, J.; Grimm, J.; Sefc, K. M.; Jordan, A.: Patterns of sex-biased dispersal are consistent with social and ecological constraints in a group-living cichlid fish. BMC Ecology and Evolution 22 (1), 21 (2022)
Bouchebti, S.; Cortés-Fossati, F.; Estepa, Á. V.; Lozano, M. P.; Calovi, D. S.; Arganda, S.: Sex-specific effect of the dietary protein to carbohydrate ratio on personality in the Dubia cockroach. Insects 13 (2), 133 (2022)
Bracken, A. M.; Christensen, C.; O'Riain, M. J.; Fehlmann, G.; Holton, M. D.; Hopkins, P. W.; Furtbauer, I.; King, A. J.: Socioecology explains individual variation in urban space use in response to management in Cape Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus). International Journal of Primatology 43, S. 1159 - 1176 (2022)
Brandl, H. B.; Pruessner, J. C.; Farine, D. R.: The social transmission of stress in animal collectives. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289 (1974), 20212158 (2022)
Broekman, M. J. E.; Hilbers, J. P.; Huijbregts, M. A. J.; Mueller, T.; Ali, A. H.; Andrén, H.; Altmann, J.; Aronsson, M.; Attias, N.; Bartlam-Brooks, H. L. A. et al.; van Beest, F. M.; Belant, J. L.; Beyer, D. E.; Bidner, L.; Blaum, N.; Boone, R. B.; Boyce, M. S.; Brown, M. B.; Cagnacci, F.; Černe, R.; Chamaillé-Jammes, S.; Dejid, N.; Dekker, J.; Desbiez, A. L. J.; Díaz-Muñoz, S. L.; Fennessy, J.; Fichtel, C.; Fischer, C.; Fisher, J. T.; Fischhoff, I.; Ford, A. T.; Fryxell, J. M.; Gehr, B.; Goheen, J. R.; Hauptfleisch, M.; Hewison, A. J. M.; Hering, R.; Heurich, M.; Isbell, L. A.; Janssen, R.; Jeltsch, F.; Kaczensky, P.; Kappeler, P. M.; Krofel, M.; LaPoint, S.; Latham, A. D. M.; Linnell, J. D. C.; Markham, A. C.; Mattisson, J.; Medici, E. P.; de Mourão, G. M.; Moorter, B. V.; Morato, R. G.; Morellet, N.; Mysterud, A.; Mwiu, S.; Odden, J.; Olson, K. A.; Ornicāns, A.; Pagon, N.; Panzacchi, M.; Persson, J.; Petroelje, T.; Rolandsen, C. M.; Roshier, D.; Rubenstein, D. I.; Saïd, S.; Salemgareyev, A. R.; Sawyer, H.; Schmidt, N. M.; Selva, N.; Sergiel, A.; Stabach, J.; Stacy-Dawes, J.; Stewart, F. E. C.; Stiegler, J.; Strand, O.; Sundaresan, S.; Svoboda, N. J.; Ullmann, W.; Voigt, U.; Wall, J.; Wikelski, M.; Wilmers, C. C.; Zięba, F.; Zwijacz-Kozica, T.; Schipper, A. M.; Tucker, M. A.: Evaluating expert-based habitat suitability information of terrestrial mammals with GPS-tracking data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 31 (8), S. 1526 - 1541 (2022)
Brooks, J.; Kano, F.; Kawaguchi, Y.; Yamamoto, S.: Oxytocin promotes species-relevant outgroup attention in bonobos and chimpanzees. Hormones and Behavior 143, 105182 (2022)
Brooks, J.; Kano, F.; Yeow, H.; Morimura, N.; Yamamoto, S.: Testing the effect of oxytocin on social grooming in bonobos. American Journal of Primatology 84 (12), e23444 (2022)
Brown, M.; Steinitz, R.; Thompson, M. E.: Wins and losses in intergroup conflicts reflect energy balance in red-tailed monkeys. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 377 (1851), 20210152 (2022)
Brønnvik, H.; Safi, K.; Vansteelant, W. M. G.; Byholm, P.; Nourani, E.: Experience does not change the importance of wind support for migratory route selection by a soaring bird. Royal Society Open Science 9 (12), 220746 (2022)
Brucks, D.; Petelle, M. B.; Baldoni, C.; Krasheninnikova, A.; Rovegno, E.; von Bayern, A. M. P.: Intra- and interspecific variation in self-control capacities of parrots in a delay of gratification task. Animal Cognition 25 (2), S. 473 - 491 (2022)
Buechley, E. R.; Girardello, M.; Santangeli, A.; Ruffo, A. D.; Ayalew, G.; Abebe, Y. D.; Barber, D. R.; Buij, R.; Bildstein, K.; Mahamued, B. A. et al.; Neate-Clegg, M. H. C.; Ogada, D.; Marra, P. P.; Sillett, T. S.; Thiollay, J.-M.; Wikelski, M.; Yaworsky, P.; Şekercioglu, Ç. H.: Priority areas for vulture conservation in the Horn of Africa largely fall outside the protected area network. Bird Conservation International 32 (2), S. 188 - 205 (2022)
Bugden, M.; Hulik, O.; Valach, F.; Waldram, D.: Exceptional algebroids and type IIB superstrings. Fortschritte der Physik/Progress of Physics 70 (1), 2100104 (2022)
Buitendijk, N. H.; de Jager, M.; Hornman, M.; Kruckenberg, H.; Kölzsch, A.; Moonen, S.; Nolet, B. A.: More grazing, more damage? Assessed yield loss on agricultural grassland relates nonlinearly to goose grazing pressure. Journal of Applied Ecology 59 (12), S. 2878 - 2889 (2022)
Camerlenghi, E.; McQueen, A.; Delhey, K.; Cook, C. N.; Kingma, S. A.; Farine, D. R.; Peters, A.; Pinter-Wollman, N.: Cooperative breeding and the emergence of multilevel societies in birds. Ecology Letters 24 (4), S. 766 - 777 (2022)
Carvajal, L.; Schuppli, C.: Learning and skill development in wild primates: toward a better understanding of cognitive evolution. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 46, 101155 (2022)
Catry, T.; Ventura, F.; Dias, M. P.; Santos, C. D.; Martins, R. C.; Palmeirim, J. M.; Granadeiro, J. P.: Estimating the conservation cost of the projected new international Lisbon airport for migratory shorebirds of the Tagus estuary, Portugal. Bird Conservation International 32 (2), S. 232 - 245 (2022)
Chapman, C. A. A.; Abernathy, K.; Chapman, L. J.; Downs, C.; Effiom, E. O. O.; Gogarten, J. F. F.; Golooba, M.; Kalbitzer, U.; Lawes, M. J. J.; Mekonnen, A. et al.; Omeja, P.; Razafindratsima, O.; Sheil, D.; Tabor, G. M. M.; Tumwesigye, C.; Sarkar, D.: The future of sub-Saharan Africa's biodiversity in the face of climate and societal change. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 790552 (2022)
Chimento, M.; Barrett, B. J.; Kandler, A.; Aplin, L. M.: Cultural diffusion dynamics depend on behavioural production rules. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 289 (1980), 20221001 (2022)
Chowdhury, S.; Gonzalez, K.; Aytekin, M. C. K.; Baek, S. Y.; Belcik, M.; Bertolino, S.; Duijns, S.; Han, Y. Q.; Jantke, K.; Katayose, R. et al.; Lin, M. M.; Nourani, E.; Ramos, D. L.; Rouyer, M. M.; Sidemo-Holm, W.; Vozykova, S.; Zamora-Gutierrez, V.; Amano, T.: Growth of non-English-language literature on biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology 36 (4), e13883 (2022)
Craig, A. F.; Schade-Weskott, M. L.; Rametse, T.; Heath, L.; Kriel, G. J. P.; de Klerk-Lorist, L.-M.; van Schalkwyk, O. L.; Trujillo, J. D.; Crafford, J. E.; Richt, J. A. et al.; Swanepoel, R.: Detection of African Swine Fever virus in ornithodoros tick species associated with indigenous and extralimital warthog populations in South Africa. Viruses 14, 1617 (2022)
Cram, D. L.; van der Wal, J. E. M.; Uomini, N.; Cantor, M.; Afan, A. I.; Attwood, M. C.; Amphaeris, J.; Balasani, F.; Blair, C. J.; Bronstein, J. L. et al.; Buanachique, I. O.; Cuthill, R. R. T.; Das, J.; Daura-Jorge, F. G.; Deb, A.; Dixit, T.; Dlamini, G. S.; Dounias, E.; Gedi, I.; Gruber, M.; Hoffmann, L. S.; Holzlehner, T.; Isack, H. A.; Laltaika, E. A.; Lloyd-Jones, D. J.; Lund, J.; Machado, A. M. S.; Mahadevan, L.; Moreno, I. B.; Nwaogu, C. J.; Pierotti, R.; Rucunua, S. A.; dos Santos, W. F.; Serpa, N.; Smith, B. D.; Sridhar, H.; Tolkova, I.; Tun, T.; Valle-Pereira, J. V. S.; Wood, B. M.; Wrangham, R. W.; Spottiswoode, C. N.: The ecology and evolution of human-wildlife cooperation. People and Nature 4 (4), S. 841 - 855 (2022)
Curk, T.; Kulikova, O.; Fufachev, I.; Wikelski, M.; Safi, K.; Pokrovsky, I.: Arctic migratory raptor selects nesting area during the previous breeding season. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, 865482 (2022)
Davis, G. H.; Crofoot, M. C.; Farine, D. R.: Using optimal foraging theory to infer how groups make collective decisions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 37 (11), S. 942 - 952 (2022)
Dehnen, T.; Arbon, J. J.; Farine, D. R.; Boogert, N. J.: How feedback and feed-forward mechanisms link determinants of social dominance. Biological Reviews 97 (3), S. 1210 - 1230 (2022)
Dehnen, T.; Papageorgiou, D.; Nyaguthii, B.; Cherono, W.; Penndorf, J.; Boogert, N. J.; Farine, D. R.: Costs dictate strategic investment in dominance interactions. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 377 (1845), 20200447 (2022)
Demartsev, V.; Manser, M. B.; Tattersall, G. J.: Vocalization-associated respiration patterns: thermography-based monitoring and detection of preparation for calling. The Journal of Experimental Biology 225 (5), jeb243474 (2022)
Dhanjal-Adams, K. L.; Willener, A. S. T.; Liechti, F.: pamlr: A toolbox for analysing animal behaviour using pressure, acceleration, temperature, magnetic or light data in R. Journal of Animal Ecology 91 (7), S. 1345 - 1360 (2022)
Duporge, I.; Finerty, G. E.; Ihwagi, F.; Lee, S.; Wathika, J.; Wu, Z.; Macdonald, D. W.; Wang, T.: A satellite perspective on the movement decisions of African elephants in relation to nomadic pastoralists. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 8 (6), S. 841 - 854 (2022)
Engelhardt, S. C.; Taborsky, M.: Food-exchanging Norway rats apply the direct reciprocity decision rule rather than copying by imitation. Animal Behaviour 194, S. 265 - 274 (2022)
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