Publikationen von Stephen Blake

Zeitschriftenartikel (68)

Kolowski, J. M.; Blake, S.; Kock, M. D.; Lee, M. E.; Henderson, A.; Honorez, A.; Alonso, A.: Movements of four forest elephants in an oil concession in Gabon, Central Africa. African Journal of Ecology 48 (4), S. 1134 - 1138 (2010)
Blake, S.; Deem, S. L.; Mossimbo, E.; Maisels, F.; Walsh, P.: Forest elephants: Tree planters of the Congo. Biotropica 41 (4), S. 459 - 468 (2009)
Blake, S.: Forest elephants of the Congo basin: Phantoms behind the trees. Wildlife Conservation Society Magazine 6 (111), S. 40 - 47 (2008)
Blake, S.: Mammoth: An elephant I will never forget. Wildlife Conservation Society Magazine 1 (109), S. 50 - 53 (2008)
Blake, S.; Deem, S. L.: Kotto’s story. Wildlife Conservation Society Magazine 1 (104), S. 14 - 15 (2008)
Blake, S.; Deem, S. L.: Once in a lifetime. Wildlife Conservation Society Magazine 1 (107), S. 34 - 41 (2008)
Blake, S.; Deem, S. L.; Strindberg, S.; Maisels, F.; Momont, L.; Isia, I.-B.; Douglas-Hamilton, I.; Karesh, W. B.; Kock, M. D.: Roadless wilderness area determines forest elephant movements in the Congo Basin. PLoS One 3 (10), e3546 (2008)
Blake, S.; Strindberg, S.; Boudjan, P.; Makombo, C.; Bila-Isia, I.; Ilambu, O.; Grossmann, F.; Bene-Bene, L.; de Semboli, B.; Mbenzo, V. et al.; S’hwa, D.; Bayogo, R.; Williamson, L.; Fay, M.; Hart, J.; Maisels, F.: Forest elephant crisis in the Congo Basin. PLoS Biology 5 (4), e111 (2007)
Maisels, F.; Blake, S.; Fay, J. M.; Mobolambi, G.; Yako, V.: A note on the distribution of Allen's swamp monkey, Allenopithecus nigroviridis, in northwestern Congo. Primate Conservation 21, S. 93 - 95 (2006)
Blake, S.: Do leopards kill forest elephants? Evidence from northern Congo. Mammalia 68 (2/3), S. 225 - 228 (2004)
Blake, S.; Hedges, S.: Sinking the flagship: The case of forest elephants in Asia and Africa. Conservation Biology 18, S. 1191 - 1202 (2004)
Blake, S.; Inkamba-Nkulu, C.: Fruit, minerals, and forest elephant trails: Do all roads lead to Rome? Biotropica 36 (3), S. 392 - 401 (2004)
Kinsella, J. M.; Deem, S. L.; Blake, S.; Freeman, A. S.: Endoparasites of African forest elephants (Loxodonta africana cyclotis) from the Republic of Congo and Central African Republic. Comparative Parasitology 71 (2), S. 104 - 110 (2004)
Blake, S.: Forest buffalo prefer clearings to closed-canopy forest in the primary forest of northern Congo. Oryx 36 (1), S. 81 - 86 (2002)
Maisels, F.; Blake, S.; Turkalo, A. K.: Wild forest elephants shake down fruit and leaves from trees. Pachyderm 33, S. 88 - 90 (2002)
Blake, S.; Douglas-Hamilton, I.; Karesh, W. B.: GPS telemetry of forest elephants in Central Africa: Results of a preliminary study. African Journal of Ecology 39 (2), S. 178 - 186 (2001)
Blake, S.; Fay, J. M.: Seed production by Gilbertiodendron dewevrei in the Nouabalé-Ndoki National Park, Congo, and its implications for large mammals. Journal of Tropical Ecology 13 (6), S. 885 - 891 (1997)
Blake, S.; Rogers, E.; Fay, J. M.; Ngangoué, M.; Ebéké, G.: Swamp gorillas in northern Congo. African Journal of Ecology 33 (3), S. 285 - 290 (1995)

Buch (1)

Blake, S.: Hidden giants: Forest elephants of the Congo basin. Wildlife Conservation Society, New York (2006), 80 S.

Buchkapitel (5)

Blake, N. J.; Parlin, A. F.; Cumming, I.; Gibbs, J. P.; Tattersall, G. J.; Warren, D. E.; Cabrera, F.; Haro, J.; Norys, J.; James, R. et al.; Blake, S.: Thermoregulation. In: Galapagos Giant Tortoises, S. 175 - 205 (Hg. Gibbs, J.P.; Cayot, L.J.; Tapia Aguilera, W.). Academic Press (2021)
Blake, S.; Yackulic, C. B.; Cabrera, F.; Deem, S. L.; Ellis-Soto, D.; Gibbs, J. P.; Kummeth, F.; Wikelski, M.; Bastille-Rousseau, G.: Movement ecology. In: Galapagos Giant Tortoises, S. 261 - 279 (Hg. Gibbs, J.P.; Cayot, L.J.; Tapia Aguilera, W.). Academic Press (2021)
Hedges, S.; Maisels, F.; Blake, S.: Estimating absolute densities of elephant populations using dung counts along line transects: Field methods. In: Monitoring elephant populations and assessing threats: A manual for researchers, managers and conservationists, S. 172 - 213 (Hg. Hedges, S.). Universities Press (India), Hyderabad, India (2012)
Blake, S.; Hedges, S.: What future for forest elephants? In: 2010–2011 State of the wild, S. 114 - 121 (2010)
Wilkie, D. S.; Sidle, J. G.; Boundzanga, G. C.; Blake, S.; Auzel, P.: Defaunation, not deforestation: Commercial logging and market hunting in northern Congo. In: The cutting edge: Conserving wildlife in logged tropical forest, S. 375 - 400 (Hg. Fimbel, R. A.; Grajal, A.; Robinson, J. G.). Columbia University Press, New York (2001)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit (1)

Hochschulschrift - Doktorarbeit
Blake, S.: The ecology of forest elephant distribution and its implications for conservation. Dissertation (2002)

Hochschulschrift - Master (1)

Hochschulschrift - Master
Blake, S.: A reconnaissance survey in the Likouala Swamps of Northern Congo and its implications for conservation. Master (1993)

Bericht (2)

Tutin, C.; Stokes, E.; Boesch, C.; Morgan, D.; Sanz, C.; Reed, T.; Blom, A.; Walsh, P.; Blake, S.; Kormos, R.: Regional action plan for the conservation of chimpanzees and gorillas in western equatorial Africa. CABS/CI, Washington DC (2005)
Blake, S.; Bouché, P.; Rasmussen, H.; Orlando, A.; Douglas-Hamilton, I.: The last Sahelian elephants: Ranging behavior, population status and recent history of the desert elephants of Mali. (2003)
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