Publikationen von Damien R. Farine

Zeitschriftenartikel (155)

Farine, D. R.; Garroway, C. J.; Sheldon, B. C.: Social network analysis of mixed-species flocks: Exploring the structure and evolution of interspecific social behaviour. Animal Behaviour 84 (5), S. 1271 - 1277 (2012)
Farine, D. R.; O'Connell, D. A.; Raison, R. J.; May, B. M.; O'Connor, M. H.; Crawford, D. F.; Herr, A.; Taylor, J. A.; Jovanovic, T.; Campbell, P. K. et al.; Dunlop, M. I. A.; Rodriguez, L. C.; Poole, M. L.; Braid, A. L.; Kriticos, D.: An assessment of biomass for bioelectricity and biofuel, and for greenhouse gas emission reduction in Australia. GCB Bioenergy 4 (2), S. 148 - 175 (2012)
Herr, A.; O'Connell, D.; Farine, D. R.; Dunlop, M.; Crimp, S.; Poole, M.: Watching grass grow in Australia: Is there sufficient production potential for a biofuel industry? Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 6 (3), S. 257 - 268 (2012)
Rodriguez, L. C.; May, B.; Herr, A.; Farine, D. R.; O'Connell, D.A.: Biofuel excision and the viability of ethanol production in the Green Triangle, Australia. Energy Policy 39 (4), S. 1951 - 1957 (2011)
Farine, D. R.; O’Connell, D. A.; Grant, T.; Poole, M. L.: Opportunities for energy efficiency and biofuel production in Australian wheat farming systems. Biofuels 1 (4), S. 547 - 561 (2010)

Buchkapitel (1)

O’Connell, D.; Farine, D. R.; O’Connor, M.; Dunlop, M.: Integration and implementation research: Would CSIRO contribute to, and benefit from, a more formalised I2S approach? In: Disciplining interdisciplinarity: Integration and implementation sciences for researching complex real-world problems, S. 285 - 302 (Hg. Bammer, G.). ANU Press, Canberra (2013)
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