Publikationen von Damien R. Farine

Zeitschriftenartikel (155)

Cantor, M.; Chimento, M.; Smeele, S. Q.; He, P.; Papageorgiou, D.; Aplin, L. M.; Farine, D. R.: Social network architecture and the tempo of cumulative cultural evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288 (1946), 20203107 (2021)
Cantor, M.; Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.; Beck, K. B.; Brandl, H. B.; Carter, G. G.; He, P.; Hillemann, F.; Klarevas-Irby, J. A.; Ogino, M.; Papageorgiou, D. et al.; Prox, L.; Farine, D. R.: The importance of individual‐to‐society feedbacks in animal ecology and evolution. Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (1), S. 27 - 44 (2021)
Culina, A.; Adriaensen, F.; Bailey, L. D.; Burgess, M. D.; Charmantier, A.; Cole, E. F.; Eeva, T.; Matthysen, E.; Nater, C. R.; Sheldon, B. C. et al.; Sæther, B.; Vriend, S. J. G.; Zajkova, Z.; Adamík, P.; Aplin, L. M.; Angulo, E.; Artemyev, A.; Barba, E.; Barišić, S.; Belda, E.; Bilgin, C. C.; Bleu, J.; Both, C.; Bouwhuis, S.; Branston, C.; Broggi, J.; Burke, T.; Bushuev, A.; Camacho, C.; Campobello, D.; Canal, D.; Cantarero, A.; Caro, S. P.; Cauchoix, M.; Chaine, A.; Cichon, M.; Ćiković, D.; Cusimano, C. A.; Deimel, C.; Dhondt, A. A.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Doligez, B.; Dominoni, D. M.; Doutrelant, C.; Drobniak, S. M.; Dubiec, A.; Eens, M.; Erikstad, K. E.; Espín, S.; Farine, D. R.; Figuerola, J.; Gülbeyaz, P. K.; Grégoire, A.; Hartley, I. R.; Hau, M.; Hegyi, G.; Hille, S.; Hinde, C. A.; Holtmann, B.; Ilyina, T.; Isaksson, C.; Iserbyt, A.; Ivankina, E.; Kania, W.; Kempenaers, B.; Kerimov, A.; Komdeur, J.; Korsten, P.; Král, M.; Krist, M.; Lambrechts, M.; Lara, C. E.; Leivits, A.; Liker, A.; Lodjak, J.; Mägi, M.; Mainwaring, M. C.; Mänd, R.; Massa, B.; Massemin, S.; Martínez‐Padilla, J.; Mazgajski, T. D.; Mennerat, A.; Moreno, J.; Mouchet, A.; Nakagawa, S.; Nilsson, J.; Nilsson, J.; Norte, A. C.; van Oers, K.; Orell, M.; Potti, J.; Quinn, J. L.; Réale, D.; Reiertsen, T. K.; Rosivall, B.; Russel, A. F.; Rytkönen, S.; Sánchez‐Virosta, P.; Santos, E. S. A.; Schroeder, J.; Senar, J. C.; Seress, G.; Slagsvold, T.; Szulkin, M.; Teplitsky, C.; Tilgar, V.; Tolstoguzov, A.; Török, J.; Valcu, M.; Vatka, E.; Verhulst, S.; Watson, H.; Yuta, T.; Zamora‐Marín, J. M.; Visser, M. E.: Connecting the data landscape of long‐term ecological studies: The SPI‐Birds data hub. Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (9), S. 2147 - 2160 (2021)
Culina, A.; Adriaensen, F.; Bailey, L. D.; Burgess, M. D.; Charmantier, A.; Cole, E. F.; Eeva, T.; Matthysen, E.; Nater, C. R.; Sheldon, B. C. et al.; Sæther, B.; Vriend, S. J. G.; Zajkova, Z.; Adamík, P.; Aplin, L. M.; Angulo, E.; Artemyev, A.; Barba, E.; Barišić, S.; Belda, E.; Bilgin, C. C.; Bleu, J.; Both, C.; Bouwhuis, S.; Branston, C.; Broggi, J.; Burke, T.; Bushuev, A.; Camacho, C.; Campobello, D.; Canal, D.; Cantarero, A.; Caro, S. P.; Cauchoix, M.; Chaine, A.; Cichon, M.; Ćiković, D.; Cusimano, C. A.; Deimel, C.; Dhondt, A. A.; Dingemanse, N. J.; Doligez, B.; Dominoni, D. M.; Doutrelant, C.; Drobniak, S. M.; Dubiec, A.; Eens, M.; Erikstad, K. E.; Espín, S.; Farine, D. R.; Figuerola, J.; Gülbeyaz, P. K.; Grégoire, A.; Hartley, I. R.; Hau, M.; Hegyi, G.; Hille, S.; Hinde, C. A.; Holtmann, B.; Ilyina, T.; Isaksson, C.; Iserbyt, A.; Ivankina, E.; Kania, W.; Kempenaers, B.; Kerimov, A.; Komdeur, J.; Korsten, P.; Král, M.; Krist, M.; Lambrechts, M.; Lara, C. E.; Leivits, A.; Liker, A.; Lodjak, J.; Mägi, M.; Mainwaring, M. C.; Mänd, R.; Massa, B.; Massemin, S.; Martínez‐Padilla, J.; Mazgajski, T. D.; Mennerat, A.; Moreno, J.; Mouchet, A.; Nakagawa, S.; Nilsson, J.; Nilsson, J.; Norte, A. C.; van Oers, K.; Orell, M.; Potti, J.; Quinn, J. L.; Réale, D.; Reiertsen, T. K.; Rosivall, B.; Russel, A. F.; Rytkönen, S.; Sánchez‐Virosta, P.; Santos, E. S. A.; Schroeder, J.; Senar, J. C.; Seress, G.; Slagsvold, T.; Szulkin, M.; Teplitsky, C.; Tilgar, V.; Tolstoguzov, A.; Török, J.; Valcu, M.; Vatka, E.; Verhulst, S.; Watson, H.; Yuta, T.; Zamora‐Marín, J. M.; Visser, M. E.: Connecting the data landscape of long‐term ecological studies: The SPI‐Birds data hub. Journal of Animal Ecology 90 (9), S. 2147 - 2160 (2021)
Farine, D. R.: Collective behaviour: Movement rules under imminent threat. Current Biology 31 (14), S. R902 - R904 (2021)
Farine, D. R.: Structural trade-offs can predict rewiring in shrinking social networks. Journal of Animal Ecology 90, S. 120 - 130 (2021)
Garcia, M. G.; Farine, D. R.; Brachotte, C.; Borgeaud, C.; Bshary, R.: Wild female vervet monkeys change grooming patterns and partners when freed from feeding constraints. Animal Behaviour 181, S. 117 - 136 (2021)
He, P.; Montiglio, P. O.; Somveille, M.; Cantor, M.; Farine, D. R.: The role of habitat configuration in shaping animal population processes: a framework to generate quantitative predictions. Oecologia 196 (3), S. 649 - 665 (2021)
Heinen, V. K.; Pitera, A. M.; Sonnenberg, B. R.; Benedict, L. M.; Bridge, E. S.; Farine, D. R.; Pravosudov, V. V.: Food discovery is associated with different reliance on social learning and lower cognitive flexibility across environments in a food-caching bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288 (1951), 20202843 (2021)
Klarevas-Irby, J. A.; Wikelski, M.; Farine, D. R.: Efficient movement strategies mitigate the energetic cost of dispersal. Ecology Letters 24 (7), S. 1432 - 1442 (2021)
Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.; Forstmeier, W.; Farine, D. R.: Relationship quality underpins pair bond formation and subsequent reproductive performance. Animal Behaviour 182, S. 43 - 58 (2021)
Ogino, M.; Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.; Farine, D. R.: Drivers of alloparental provisioning of fledglings in a colonially breeding bird. Behavioral Ecology 32 (2), S. 316 - 326 (2021)
Papageorgiou, D.; Farine, D. R.: Multilevel societies in birds. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 36 (1), S. 15 - 17 (2021)
Papageorgiou, D.; Rozen-Rechels, D.; Nyaguthii, B.; Farine, D. R.: Seasonality impacts collective movements in a wild group-living bird. BMC Movement Ecology 9 (1), 38 (2021)
Armansin, N. C.; Stow, A. J.; Cantor, M.; Leu, S. T.; Klarevas-Irby, J.; Chariton, A. A.; Farine, D. R.: Social barriers in ecological landscapes: The social resistance hypothesis. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 35 (2), S. 137 - 148 (2020)
Beck, K. B.; Farine, D. R.; Kempenaers, B.: Winter associations predict social and extra-pair mating patterns in a wild songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 287 (1921), 20192606 (2020)
Cantor, M.; Aplin, L. M.; Farine, D. R.: A primer on the relationship between group size and group performance. Animal Behaviour 166, S. 139 - 146 (2020)
Carter, G. G.; Farine, D. R.; Crisp, R. J.; Vrtilek, J. K.; Ripperger, S. P.; Page, R. A.: Development of new food-sharing relationships in vampire bats. Current Biology 30 (7), S. 1275 - 1279.e3 (2020)
Farine, D. R.: Mapping illegal wildlife trade networks provides new opportunities for conservation actions. Animal Conservation 23 (2), S. 145 - 146 (2020)
Ferreira, A. C.; Covas, R.; Silva, L. R.; Esteves, S. C.; Duarte, I. F.; Fortuna, R.; Theron, F.; Doutrelant, C.; Farine, D. R.: How to make methodological decisions when inferring social networks. Ecology and Evolution 10 (17), S. 9132 - 9143 (2020)
Ferreira, A. C.; Silva, L. R.; Renna, F.; Brandl, H. B.; Renoult, J. P.; Farine, D. R.; Covas, R.; Doutrelant, C.: Deep learning-based methods for individual recognition in small birds. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (9), S. 1072 - 1085 (2020)
Goodale, E.; Sridhar, H.; Sieving, K. E.; Bangal, P.; Colorado, G. J.; Farine, D. R.; Heymann, E. W.; Jones, H. H.; Krams, I.; Martinez, A. E. et al.; Montano-Centellas, F.; Munoz, J.; Srinivasan, U.; Theo, A.; Shanker, K.: Mixed company: a framework for understanding the composition and organization of mixed-species animal groups. Biological Reviews 95 (4), S. 889 - 910 (2020)
Hillemann, F.; Cole, E. F.; Sheldon, B.; Farine, D. R.: Information use in foraging flocks of songbirds: no evidence for social transmission of patch quality. Animal Behaviour 165, S. 35 - 41 (2020)
Kurvers, R.; Prox, L.; Farine, D. R.; Jongeling, C.; Snijders, L.: Season-specific carryover of early life associations in a monogamous bird species. Animal Behaviour 164, S. 25 - 37 (2020)
Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.; Farine, D. R.: Demographic processes in animal networks are a question of time: a comment on Shizuka and Johnson. Behavioral Ecology 31 (1), S. 12 - 13 (2020)
Mbizah, M. M.; Farine, D. R.; Valeix, M.; Hunt, J. E.; Macdonald, D. W.; Loveridge, A. J.: Effect of ecological factors on fine-scale patterns of social structure in African lions. Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (11), S. 2665 - 2676 (2020)
Montiglio, P. O.; Gotanda, K. M.; Kratochwil, C. F.; Laskowski, K. L.; Farine, D. R.: Hierarchically embedded interaction networks represent a missing link in the study of behavioral and community ecology. Behavioral Ecology 31 (2), S. 279 - 286 (2020)
Papageorgiou, D.; Farine, D. R.: Group size and composition influence collective movement in a highly social terrestrial bird. eLife 9, e59902 (2020)
Papageorgiou, D.; Farine, D. R.: Shared decision-making allows subordinates to lead when dominants monopolize resources. Science Advances 6 (48), eaba5881 (2020)
Prox, L.; Farine, D. R.: A framework for conceptualizing dimensions of social organization in mammals. Ecology and Evolution 10 (2), S. 791 - 807 (2020)
Brandl, H. B.; Farine, D. R.; Funghi, C.; Schuett, W.; Griffith, S. C.: Early-life social environment predicts social network position in wild zebra finches. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1897), 20182579 (2019)
Carter, G. G.; Schino, G.; Farine, D. R.: Challenges in assessing the roles of nepotism and reciprocity in cooperation networks. Animal Behaviour 150, S. 255 - 271 (2019)
Farine, D. R.; Aplin, L. M.: Spurious inference when comparing networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 116 (34), S. 16674 - 16675 (2019)
He, P.; Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.; Farine, D. R.: The role of habitat configuration in shaping social structure: A gap in studies of animal social complexity. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73 (1), 9 (2019)
Hillemann, F.; Cole, E. F.; Keen, S. C.; Sheldon, B. C.; Farine, D. R.: Diurnal variation in the production of vocal information about food supports a model of social adjustment in wild songbirds. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1897), 20182740 (2019)
Lang, S. D. J.; Mann, R. P.; Farine, D. R.: Temporal activity patterns of predators and prey across broad geographic scales. Behavioral Ecology 30 (1), S. 172 - 180 (2019)
McCarthy, M. S.; Despres-Einspenner, M. L.; Farine, D. R.; Samuni, L.; Angedakin, S.; Arandjelovic, M.; Boesch, C.; Dieguez, P.; Havercamp, K.; Knight, A. et al.; Langergraber, K. E.; Wittig, R. M.; Kuhl, H. S.: Camera traps provide a robust alternative to direct observations for constructing social networks of wild chimpanzees. Animal Behaviour 157, S. 227 - 238 (2019)
Papageorgiou, D.; Christensen, C.; Gall, G. E. C.; Klarevas-Irby, J. A.; Nyaguthii, B.; Couzin, I. D.; Farine, D. R.: The multilevel society of a small-brained bird. Current Biology 29 (21), S. R1120 - R1121 (2019)
Wilkinson, G. S.; Carter, G. G.; Bohn, K. M.; Caspers, B.; Chaverri, G.; Farine, D. R.; Günther, L.; Kerth, G.; Knörnschild, M.; Mayer, F. et al.; Nagy, M.; Ortega, J.; Patriquin, K.: Kinship, association, and social complexity in bats. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 73 (1), 7 (2019)
Alarcon-Nieto, G.; Graving, J. M.; Klarevas-Irby, J.; Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.; Mueller, I.; Farine, D. R.: An automated barcode tracking system for behavioural studies in birds. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (6), S. 1536 - 1547 (2018)
Amornbunchornvej, C.; Brugere, I.; Strandburg-Peshkin, A.; Farine, D. R.; Crofoot, M. C.; Berger-Wolf, T. Y.: Coordination event detection and initiator identification in time series data. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data (TKDD) 12 (5), 53 (2018)
Boogert, N. J.; Lachlan, R. F.; Spencer, K. A.; Templeton, C. N.; Farine, D. R.: Stress hormones, social associations and song learning in zebra finches. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series B: Biological Sciences 373 (1756), 20170290 (2018)
Cantor, M.; Farine, D. R.: Simple foraging rules in competitive environments can generate socially structured populations. Ecology and Evolution 8 (10), S. 4978 - 4991 (2018)
Davis, G. H.; Crofoot, M. C.; Farine, D. R.: Estimating the robustness and uncertainty of animal social networks using different observational methods. Animal Behaviour 141, S. 29 - 44 (2018)
Farine, D. R.: When to choose dynamic versus static social network analysis. Journal of Animal Ecology 87 (1), S. 128 - 138 (2018)
Hoppitt, W. J. E.; Farine, D. R.: Association indices for quantifying social relationships: How to deal with missing observations of individuals or groups. Animal Behaviour 136, S. 227 - 238 (2018)
Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.; Alarcon-Nieto, G.; Klarevas-Irby, J.; Farine, D. R.: Experimental disturbances reveal group-level costs of social instability. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1891), 1577 (2018)
Maldonado-Chaparro, A. A.; Montiglio, P.-O.; Forstmeier, W.; Kempenaers, B.; Farine, D. R.: Linking the fine-scale social environment to mating decisions: A future direction for the study of extra-pair paternity. Biological Reviews 93 (3), S. 1558 - 1577 (2018)
Marthy, W.; Farine, D. R.: The potential impacts of the songbird trade on mixed-species flocking. Biological Conservation 222, S. 222 - 231 (2018)
Montiglio, P.-O.; McGlothlin, J. W.; Farine, D. R.: Social structure modulates the evolutionary consequences of social plasticity: A social network perspective on interacting phenotypes. Ecology and Evolution 8 (3), S. 1451 - 1464 (2018)
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